
5 Reasons to Never Rule Out Investing In An Unconventional or Problem House or Property in Oahu

Real estate investing in Hawaii and across the US is a popular way to create a passive income stream or make a profit. However, many real estate investors tend to overlook unconventional or problem houses and properties. They assume that these homes or properties are too much of a risk and not worth considering. In Oahu and surrounding areas, there are plenty of homes and properties that may be considered unconventional or problematic, but that doesn’t mean they should be ruled out. Here are five reasons why you should consider investing in these types of houses and properties.

1. Lower Purchase Price

One of the main benefits of investing in unconventional or Oahu area problem house or property is that they often come with a lower purchase price. These homes or properties may have issues that need to be addressed, such as structural damage or outdated features, which can deter other Oahu house buyers. As a result, the seller may be more willing to negotiate on the sale price, giving you an opportunity to buy low and sell high after making home or property improvements.

2. Higher Profit Margins

By purchasing an unconventional or problem house or property in Oahu, you can add value to it through renovations and upgrades. This can lead to a higher resale value, which can result in a greater profit margin for you. With the right home or property improvements, you can turn a problematic house into a desirable one, attracting buyers who are willing to pay more for a move-in ready home.

3. Unique Investment Opportunities

Investing in an unconventional or problem house or property also offers unique real estate investment opportunities that you may not find with traditional properties. For example, you may come across a home or property that has been foreclosed on, which can be purchased at a discount. Alternatively, you may find a property that has been sitting on the market for a while, giving you the opportunity to negotiate a lower price.

4. Diversification of Your Portfolio

By investing in unconventional or problem homes and properties, you can diversify your real estate portfolio. This can help you spread your real estate investments across different types of properties, reducing your overall risk. Additionally, having a diverse portfolio can help you weather any market fluctuations, as you won’t be reliant on one type of property.

5. Opportunity to Make a Difference

Investing in unconventional or problem properties can also allow you to make a difference in the Oahu community. By purchasing a property that needs work, you can improve the overall look and feel of the neighborhood. This can help increase property values in the area, making it a more desirable place to live.


When it comes to investing in unconventional or problem properties, there are a few key factors to consider. First, it’s important to do your due diligence and thoroughly evaluate any property or house before making an offer. Conducting a thorough inspection can help you identify any potential issues that may affect the value of the house or property. Additionally, it’s important to have a solid plan for any renovations or upgrades you plan to make. This can help you stay on budget and ensure that you’re making improvements that will increase the value of the property.

Another important consideration when investing in unconventional real estate is the financing. Traditional financing options may not be available for these homes or properties, so exploring alternative financing options is important. For example, you may be able to secure a hard money loan to finance the purchase and renovation of the property.

When it comes to marketing and selling your unconventional or problem property, it’s important to highlight the types of improvements that you’ve made. This can help attract buyers who are looking for a move-in ready home, as well as justify a higher asking price. Additionally, investing in professional staging and photography can help showcase the property in its best light.

Investing in unconventional or problem houses and properties can be a lucrative and rewarding experience. These properties offer unique investment opportunities, lower purchase prices, higher profit margins, diversification of your portfolio, and the chance to make a difference in your community. However, it’s important to do your due diligence and thoroughly evaluate any property before making a purchase. With the right research and planning, investing in unconventional or problem properties can be a great way to grow your real estate portfolio and create a passive income stream. At We Buy Houses Hawaii, we can help you find the perfect homes or properties to add to your real estate portfolio. Reach out to us today to learn more! (808) 862-6692

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